Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate Stillman
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Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate Stillman
Best Ebook Online Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate Stillman
Body Thrive applies the most essential teachings of Ayurveda into a modern life by decoding the teachings into habits. Ayurveda is the perennial body wisdom tradition that co-arose with yoga, the path of living awake. Here lies a simple body habits curriculum that every person can learn as a child, master as an adult, and refine as an elder for their body to thrive. Check out more at The messages in this book are strong and simple. When we embody the 10 core habits of Yogis, based on the wisdom of Ayurveda, we thrive. By becoming vibrant, dynamic human beings on a growth path, we are a boon to ourselves, our families, society, and the planet. Ayurveda is based on living in sync. When we synchronize our bodily rhythms to nature’s clock, our physiology harmonizes. We experience balance, ease, and flow. When we live against nature’s body clock, we experience stress, rapid aging, and dis-ease. This book grew out of my online Body Thrive™ coaching program, where my Body Thrive Coaches and Yoga Health Coaches™ guide their pilot groups into 10 specific, habits from the teachings of Ayurveda in 10 weeks. That's one essential, daily habit upgrade per week for a few months. This book guides readers through a entertaining and insightful journey into better body integrity. The success and the efficacy of the Body Thrive method came from my search as an innovative Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga teacher. I wanted a more effective path to guide my clients towards their desired health breakthrough and wellness goals. We now have 100 Yoga Health Coaches using the Body Thrive method around the world. As you’ll see in the book, Body Thrive is innovative, practical and results-focused. In a poll of 150 clients working in a group during a 10 week Body Thrive™ program with various Yoga Health Coaches (in training) we discovered: 89% Developed better self-care habits 79% Feel better in their bodies. 59% Are eating a healthier diet 51% Are sleeping better and feel well rested. Based on this practice lab, the 3 core components taught in this book are: 1. Ayurveda The habits of Ayurveda, based on biorhythms, are non-negotiable for thrive. As we align with our biorhythms, we detox our habits. In doing so, our bodies, minds, emotions, and even our kitchens, homes, relationships, and lives uplevel into thrive. We experience the best time of our lives from living in cooperation with our bodies and our ecosystem. 2. Behavioral science Applying modern behavioral science teachings, or what I nickname habit evolution science, helps people uplevel their habits faster. Being results focused with proven strategies is essential for steady and rapid progress. 3. Dynamic Groups + Relationship Evolution People in groups adopt Body Thrive habits faster when with others focusing on similar goals. This book outlines how to create dynamic supportive relationships on the path to daily habit evolution.
Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate Stillman- Amazon Sales Rank: #94800 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-10-22
- Released on: 2015-10-22
- Format: Kindle eBook
About the Author Cate Stillman has organically grown since 2001 as a hub for a practical, planetary and evolutionary approach to Ayurveda. She hosts a weekly podcast, The Yogahealer Real Life Show. Cate founded the Worldwide Association of Yoga Health Coaching™ for wellness experts and yoga teachers to coach their clients into the habits of thrive via integrating Ayurveda with behavioral science and evolutionary group dynamics. She spends summers in Idaho/Wyoming border and winters on the Pacific coast of Mexico with her husband and girl.
Where to Download Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate Stillman
Most helpful customer reviews
14 of 15 people found the following review helpful. Let your body take care of you. Learn simple tools for your "healthy aging" toolbox. It is possible to thrive vs get old By Cindy Kronick Going through life we build on habits. Little rituals of doing what we want not realizing the effects and wondering why we're not as happy. And I am not just speaking of food choices. You all know that 'knowing' knaw. A little voice or sense telling you something is 'just not right' so you vow to walk every day, or sign up for that yoga class, or TRX, or take on the next talked about diet program, vow to begin to meditate. Little did I know how out of balance I really was. How depleted. I coudn't make good food choices (and I know all of them by heart) because of this depletion. I suffered with bouts of depression, couldn't sleep, negativity, judgment, etc. I feel an epidemic is out there. We're overloaded and overwhelmed and just try to keep multitasking through it.I now feel lighter (and I am not talking about a less pound lighter) and have more access to my joy so much faster. I giggle! A lot. I had no idea staying up after crucial detoxing/rejuvenation time depleted me for over 30 years. And much, much more. Find your way back to yourself. Simple rhythmic habits that your body becomes familiar with and craves. And the healing? Astounding. Find your way back to your fresh, vibrant, nourished, open-hearted self like an 8 year old waking up to see what the day brings. It is possible. I am proof and I am 58.
10 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Great Way to Thrive By Shalini I have just done the 10 Week Body Thrive program with Cate Stillman. It has been a life changing experience for me. It distills ancient ayurvedic wisdom in the simplest and most practical way. Now while it is simple and resonates deeply its not easy. But the support and understanding of what it really takes to change habits has been fantastic. The book is wonderful and a great doorway to truly and deeply nourishing ourselves. So the great thing about this book is the clarity with which it not only explains the habits that help us thrive and WHY, but also HOW to integrate those habits. Along with this book I highly recommend doing the actual program she runs, as to really grow one needs self-discipline and to cultivate self-discipline the first step is support. When you work with an amazing community of people all striving for the same small steps together, it creates a momentum and energy that carry you into making and doing the FIRST steps of Action. The book speaks of Kaizen...which is making small changes and the POWER of these smalls steps COMPOUNDS over time. I lost 4kg in 2 months doing this program by making really "small" changes. I highly recommend this book.
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Saved me a LOT of work! By harveyparadox If you have ever wanted to have greater health, happiness, vitality, and “will power”, Body Thrive is one book that can offer you guidance on just how to actually make that happen. Unlike other future door stops, paper weights, and good reads that are available in the Health & Fitness section of you favorite bookstore, Body Thrive actually has the goods to help you make the changes that you want to make.One reason for that is that Body Thrive is actually three books in one. The first part of the book contains two sections:--An introduction to How to Have a Body according to Ayurveda (the ancient and contemporary science of health developed over the course of thousands of years in India, and kept fresh today by bright young practitioners like Cate Stillman, author of this brilliant, entertaining, and highly useable tome), and--A Crash Course on Habit Evolution according to Behavioral Science.Heady stuff, and have no fear! Part 1 is a brief and foundational 35 pages, and Cate is awesome! The way she cuts through the mumbo jumbo and gets right down to the matter at hand, even when talking about something as challenging as poop, is masterful.—"A fresh start means deep-tissue hydration and a big poop. Around 18 inches of eliminated fecal matter dumped within an hour of rising, without caffeine for provocation, is the gold standard.”Once you have read the theory, you are ready for the second part of the book, which offers you 10 habits (the dina charya) which will help you to achieve all the health and vitality that you can handle. These habits include:--Eating an earlier, lighter dinner--Getting to bed earlier--Starting the day right--Physical practices--Developing a diet that works for you--Five other powerful practicesNotice that you don’t dive right into diet and exercise. One of the strengths of Body Thrive lies in the organization of the program. Unlike most health improvement programs, which start right out with diet and exercise, both of which are easy to start and easy to quit, the Body Thrive system begin with a focus on developing a Keystone Habit, "the habit that holds together the universe of you, at the level where you can bear the load of life.”Cate explains that “the keystone is the stone in the top of an archway. The keystone enables the arch to bear the weight of the load above, which may include the roof or another story. It is the rock that holds the archway together.”By developing your own Keystone Habit, you will find that the next steps you take will be fully supported, and will in turn support all of the other steps that you choose to take. This helps you to create a holistic life, a forest rather than a group of independent trees.The third part of Body Thrive is an online workbook which makes it easier for you do actually do something with all of this great information. Cate breaks each of the practices up into small easy to small easy to acquire habits. Remember that if you don’t actually do the practices and work the workbook you will end up with a new doorstop/paperweight after all!This is not about acquiring a new set of chores and to do's. Each of the 10 steps in the dina charya reinforces the other, and also your life as a whole. As you go through the process of building up your dina chary, one “underwhelming" step after the other, you will discover that your life opens like a flower revealing within it mountains of power, calm, and grace that you never knew you had. This is a process of unveiling your own true self (the you that you think you are, and hope you are, and are afraid you are not!).As a yoga teacher and health coach I will definitely be using this book (and workbook) as a text for my own group and private clients. Cate has saved me the trouble of having to cobble together something similar (and less brilliant!) for my own use. I will definitely be using Body Thrive as my principle source material and workbook from here on out.
See all 74 customer reviews... Body Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate StillmanBody Thrive: Uplevel Your Body and Your Life with 10 Habits from Ayurveda and Yoga, by Cate Stillman PDF
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