Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

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Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

Free PDF Ebook Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

So often things in life end and we wish for just one more conversation, one chance to say what needed to be said, ask what you wanted to and hear the other side of what it was really like, who you really were. Hiraeth Phoenix tells the story of a young couple’s relationship by exploring each person’s version of events. The journey begins with Phoenix, who is in shock and anger following Hiraeth’s sudden departure with no plausible explanation, apart from her realization that they are no longer growing together, expressed in her poetic style. At the end of the first half of the novel, the reader sympathises with him and finds it difficult not to judge Hiraeth for her seemingly selfish behaviour. However, in the second half Hiraeth has a chance to explain herself, to explore the cavities of her soul, her sensitivity. The novel explores the heartbreak of a break up, a divorce, the unexpected challenges, the loss that follows, but also the renewal and beauty of second chances. And at the end, it beckons, if you had that chance to see both sides of the story, would it change your behaviour, your ultimate choice?

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1950473 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-03-15
  • Released on: 2015-03-15
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

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Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Short but powerful By Dorothy Definitely reading material for anyone who is in a relationship and quite frankly we are all in relationships. If it s with your best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, co worker, parents, etc. I certainly got to know a little bit about myself through reading this. Kind of....I m not so complicated after all. And the problem in all relationships are communication. Which is so cleverly portrayed in this book. What struck me most was how I felt sorry for the male character, because I only read his side of the story after all. I criticized his soon to be ex wife for being so unfair...not knowing what s going to happen next. And the next part where you hear her side of the story made me realize that we can judge so quickly without even hearing both sides. Our male character did describe her as an intense, but yet sensitive character and I was absolutely stunned how I could visualize her when I read the chapters where she was the storyteller. Two entirely different characters that the reader can immediately pick up. Clever writing and clever way of choosing words. We can all identify with both characters and that s what makes it striking. I hope I can read more of this author s books in future.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. LOVE BUILDS, BREAKS, AND BUILDS AGAIN By Poppy Louw The tale of a young couple faced with the stark reality of the end of a marriage imagined to last a lifetime. This is a gripping, honest, heartbreaking, but yet inspiring story of two teenage lovebirds who fall in love, get married, and grow apart years later, only to find strength in the only failed experience they share. The story, which spans over 81 pages, is written so objectively, the reader cannot tell who the actual writer is. The writer's in-your-face approach may leave the timid reader red-faced, but what good is a book on love and self-discovery if it does not leave the reader reflecting on their own experiences?

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Great read By Nancy Sailor I just want to say it’s awesome writing style . The author really a talented writer. What happened in your life on start of love , what actually need to do. This is an inspiring story of two teenage lovebirds who fall in love. one chance to say what you needed to say, ask what has been burning in your heart, and hear the other side of what it was really like, who you really were? The best parts are the authors diction in general way So it’s easy an understand . I am happy to read it.

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Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth
Hiraeth Phoenix, by Hiraeth

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