Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

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Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Read and Download Ebook Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Ce livre comporte une table des matières dynamique, a été relu et corrigé. Joseph Fouché (1759-1820) a servi avec zèle la République, le Directoire, le Consulat, l'Empire et la Monarchie. Homme de l'ombre, disciple de Machiavel, Fouché aura survécu à tous les changements de régime sans jamais se départir de cette «absence de convictions» qui fascina Balzac autant que Stefan Zweig. Elève chez les Oratoriens, il devint sous la Révolution un pilleur d'églises. Conventionnel modéré, il vota la mort du roi et participa activement au massacre des Lyonnais royalistes. Extrait: LA MONTÉE VERS L’AUTORITÉ 1759-1793 Le 31 mai, Joseph Fouché – que nous sommes loin encore du duché d’Otrante ! – voit le jour à Nantes. Ses parents étaient marins et commerçants, ses aïeux également ; rien de plus naturel, par conséquent, que leur héritier fût, à son tour, marin, qu’il devînt capitaine de navire ou qu’il se livrât au négoce maritime. Mais de bonne heure on s’aperçoit que cet adolescent fluet, nerveux, anémique et laid manque de toute aptitude pour un métier si dur et qui, à l’époque, était encore réellement héroïque. À deux milles du rivage il a le mal de mer, un quart d’heure de marche ou de jeu suffit à le fatiguer. Que faire d’un rejeton si délicat, se demandent les parents ?

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #1523943 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-03-17
  • Released on: 2015-03-17
  • Format: Kindle eBook
Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Where to Download Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Best biography I ever read. By Madelyn This biography is brilliantly written and I guarantee once you start you'll be glued to your seat. This is a character unlike any other... calculating, cold, evil, pervasively Machiavellian and yet, you have to admire him. He is the ultimate enemy. He will beg and humiliate himself to achieve his goal if necessary for he has no pride or self-respect. He has no friends. He betrays them all. You could save his life today and he will still sell you out tomorrow without hesitation. He feels no moral obligation to anyone or anything. Once Fouché goes after you full charge you don't stand a chance but, he knows how to choose his enemies, which is part of his genius. He never undertakes a battle he cannot win. You'll either never know he destroyed you or you'll find out too late. He is not frontal. He plays his cards in the dark, using others as pawns through political intrigues, all of whom inadvertently, fall into his trap. He has no interest in you knowing he defeated you because all passion has been removed from his psychological game. He is not trying to demoralize you. You are just an obstacle and he wants you out of his way. It is that simple and cold. Fouché is no ordinary villain. He is one of the smartest and most politically skillful men in history. The modus operandi that characterized his life, an intentional avoidance of notoriety, is what has left him in the shadows of history until this exceptional biography. Fantastic.

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Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig
Joseph Fouché (French Edition), by Stefan Zweig

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